Creating a Healthy Church by Sharing The Faith – Building The Church
Evangelical Lutheran Church of Papua New Guinea has launched its Vision 2030 Strategic Plan in January, 2022. The strategic plan was formulated based on ELCPNG 33rd synod theme ‘ AS FOR ME AND MY HOUSE, WE WILL SERVE THE LORD-JOSHUA 24:15b hosted by ELC Papua District in 2022.
The vision is focus on family with the VISION ‘CREATING A HEALTHY CHURCH by SHARING THE FAITH AND BUILDING THE CHURCH’. The vision to create a healthy church by sharing the faith and building the church must start at the family levels because families make up congregations. A family must be healthy, educated and financially secured in order to contribute meaningfully to the church, community and society. Hence, strengthening family units is a key focus in the strategic plan.

It gives me great pleasure to write this foreword to Vision 2030 of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Papua New Guinea. The vision to revive and rebuild the church began some years back under the concept vision 2020. However due to lack of concrete strategy and time the vision was not achievable. Therefore the Church Council resolved to extend the time for further implementation of the vision to 2030. Based on the council’s decision further work was undertaken THE AIM OF VISION 2030 IS TO REBUILD AND RESTORE THE CHURCH IN ALL ASPECTS. THE through the office of the Church Secretary to develop workable strategies to achieve the vision. The task of developing strategies was undertaken by a group of team under the leadership of the Church Secretary. The team was engaged in the preliminary work of data collection. Consultations were done at the national office as well as selected districts. Many people, including church leaders, pastors, lay people and members of the church were interviewed. From these interviews and consultations relevant data were collected and write-up was done based on those information collected. TASK OF RESTORING THE CHURCH MUST BEGIN FROM THE FAMILY UNITS BECAUSE FAMILIES ARE THE BASIC HOUSEHOLD OF GOD. THEREFORE THE FOCUS OF VISION 2030 IS ON FAMILY. The aim of Vision 2030 is to rebuild and restore the church in all aspects. The task of restoring the church must begin from the family units because families are the basic household of God. Therefore the focus of vision 2030 is on family. It is the basic social and religious unit of society. In her mission the church has always emphasized the importance of family unit because it is God’s institution to fulfill his purpose on earth. We admit that a community emerges from family, a society is made up of families and the church is composed of families. Therefore families are the foundation of human society and the church. However, today the stability and cohesion of family units are greatly challenged. Many families are disorientated due to new developments and changes in society. Many homes are broken, thus affects family unity and stability. These are obvious challenges which have negative impacts on family. As a result family fellowship, devotion, prayer and worship are dying within many families. Children grow up without proper discipline, without positive values and without Christian teaching and spiritual orientation. This critical problem we are facing in the church and society today moves us to revive the value and the significance of family as God’s gift to humanity. II | P a g e By rekindling family units we desire to minimize many of the social problems we are facing in our society and church today. Therefore, as church, we are compelled by vision 2030 to bring new hope to families as the basic household of God. We are further driven by the vision to respond to the complex social, economic and spiritual issues we are facing in the church today. By strengthening families we aim to create a strong, healthy, functional and dynamic church. It is my hope to see vision 2030 driving us in our collective desire to strengthen families and rebuild the church so that it can be the church God wants it to be on earth. I encourage every member of the church to take ownership of the vision and contribute to this task of rekindling family units and rebuilding the church for the glory of God.
Rt. Rev. Dr. Jack Urame (PhD) Head Bishop – The Evangelical Lutheran Church of Papua New Guinea

ELC-PNG’s Vision 2030 promotes “Gutpela Sindaun” in the family, church and the nation. It is our roadmap and guide to church planning, execution and implementation of programs and activities at all administrative levels of ELC-PNG. We all have a part to play in ensuring this vision reaches every household. A family in our society, comprises of a father, mother, children and biological relatives. Families will live in harmony in the community when each family member understand his or her responsibilities and uphold good values. As Christians we are challenged to be good stewards of resources entrusted to us. We must teach and nurture every member of our household to be Faithful, Accountable and Merciful. We must Influence and inspire each other and genuinely love and care for one another. And we must raise god fearing youths who will rise up to be future leaders in our society. We believe that a strong and healthy family makes up a healthy church and ultimately a strong and healthy nation. The Evangelical Lutheran Church of Papua New Guinea is committed to working in partnership with the Government of Papua New Guinea, and other development partners through its administrative structures to improve the quality of life for our families. We believe that through proactive cooperation and partnerships, we can address pressing social issues affecting the livelihood of our people, improve education, health services and encourage economic activities in Papua New Guinea. Let us work together to promote “Gutpela Sindaun” in our families, the church and our nation. May our good Lord give us the strength and guide us to accomplish this vision.
Bernard Kaisom General Church Secretary – Evangelical Lutheran Church of Papua New Guinea
All Praise, Honor and Glory to God Almighty for his wisdom and guidance, for the many blessings we enjoy, and for the hope of a better tomorrow, offered to us by grace in the gospel of Salvation through Jesus Christ our Savior. Vision often comes in times of desperation, and is usually birthed out of serious search for God’s direction prayerfully. Development of ELCPNG Vision 2030 Strategic Plan was not an overnight task. It is a result of years of hard work, team work and collaboration by church members across ELC-PNG. A national strategic plan was needed by the church because of change of time and challenges encountered. One Visionary Leader who envisioned ELC-PNG to be a healthy church was former Head Bishop Dr. Wesley Kigasung. In May 2007, he penned out in a document titled “Sharing the faith – Building the Church”: Re-visioning, Renewing and Revitalizing the Church to be Missional. The top-down leadership vision from the then Head Bishop of ELC-PNG was accepted and became the vision statement of Vision 2020 Strategic Plan. Our deepest appreciation and gratitude to everyone involved in producing the plan. We also acknowledge current ELCPNG Church Council and Executives under the leadership of Head Bishop Rt. Rev. Dr. Jack Urame for sharing similar conviction and for advocating and ensuring this vision becomes a reality in the production of Vision 2030 Strategic Plan. Indeed, sharing the faith involves facilitating for missional collaboration and developing hope filled strategies that not only engages but expands community involvement. We thank Pastors and leaders across 14 Districts of ELC-PNG, for without your kind hospitality, honest feedback, prayers and support, this would not have been possible. To the ELC-PNG Program officers, Head of Departments, the youth and church members whom where consulted, we thank you for your humility, patience and sacrifice of time to participate in interviews, and feedback sessions. (Annex 3 & 4) Finally, and not the least, our sincere appreciation to ELCPNG – Australia Church Partnership Program (CPP) for the financial support in facilitating for the production of this strategic Plan.
The Evangelical Lutheran Church of Papua New Guinea became an autonomous church in1976, after being a mission field for many years. A large number of missionaries from
Germany, Australia, America and Canada selflessly served in various parts of the country. These missionaries helped trained locals who later worked alongside them as evangelists, pastors and church workers; in addition to teachers and health workers. Others found work in the government and private sector, and contributed significantly in PNG’s post-independence years. With the changes of time, ELC– PNG is challenged to maintain and build on the foundations laid by early Lutheran missionaries and church leaders to become more effective in its mission as an autonomous church.
The need for strategic planning resulted in the formation the first national plan for the church, Vision 2020 (2010-2020). ELC-PNG Strategic Plan Vision 2030 (2021-2030) is an extension of the former plan, with more emphasis on execution and implementation of the plan.
The vision to create a healthy church by sharing the faith and building the church must start at the family level, because families make up congregations. A family must be healthy, educated and financially secured in order to contribute meaningfully to the church, community and society. Hence, strengthening family units is a key focus in the strategic plan.
In order to impact the livelihood of families, the church needs to improve its integral mission programs, ensuring that its evangelism programs addresses pressing social issues and concerns; and that health, education and development services reach families to enhance their quality of life.
Governance systems and processes must be improved within the church structures, at the national office, district, circuit, parish and congregations as well as church institutions for programs to be implemented successfully. Legal frameworks must be simplified and respected by church members, so that leaders are empowered to make decisions within their level of jurisdiction. For example; the national church council must be empowered to fulfill its intended purpose.
Strategic Leadership is needed in ELC-PNG to drive strategic goals and objectives such as Vision 2030. Whilst it is important to up-skill capacities of current leaders to achieve desired results, ELC-PNG needs to establish specific programs to mentor and groom future leaders of the church. This is an integral function of the Human resource division of the church. It must manage talent and capabilities of the church workforce.
For the church to be self-reliant in funding its mission programs, it is essential that ELC–PNG improves its financial management systems. This would promote accountability and restore trust and confidence with its church members, in their giving to support the church.
ELC–PNG’s business arm can maximize its earnings from existing fixed assets to support its operations and mission programs, by employing best business practices and applying sound financial management practices.
Big changes begin by taking small steps. Even the smallest actions in the right direction gives us hope for a better tomorrow. Vision 2030 gives us hope for a better tomorrow. It encourages long term planning for the church. From the national level to the districts, plans must be aligned, so that desired outcomes are achieved. This requires proactive cooperation from all church members and leaders. For it takes leadership to translate this vision into reality.
ELC-PNG Church members must take ownership and drive this vision in their various capacities, whether as a pastor, president, program coordinator, or congregation member, everyone has a part to play in providing leadership and guidance starting in one’s own family.
Click to download V2030 Awareness Pamphlet and Strategic Planning